Corpus Christi Parish Coffee, Donuts and Fellowship! Join us after the 10:30 am Mass in St Mary Hall every week The hall is located in the basement of St. Mary Church
Join us for Soulcore a movement that strengthens body & soul by combining the prayers of the rosary with core-strengthening, stretching and functional movement. Questions? Contact Lauren Calabria at [email protected]
Adoration is the simple act of going to the Church and spending some time with Jesus. It is a beautiful, reverent, refreshing and humbling experience. There are many graces that can be obtained by simply sitting for one hour with Jesus.
join us every second & fourth Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm in the Holy Child conference room to help plan how we can best serve those in our community! Questions? Need assistance? Call our hotline at 412-564-319
Corpus Christi Parish Coffee, Donuts and Fellowship! Join us after the 10:30 am Mass in St Mary Hall every week The hall is located in the basement of St. Mary Church
Join us for Soulcore a movement that strengthens body & soul by combining the prayers of the rosary with core-strengthening, stretching and functional movement. Questions? Contact Lauren Calabria at [email protected]
Adoration is the simple act of going to the Church and spending some time with Jesus. It is a beautiful, reverent, refreshing and humbling experience. There are many graces that can be obtained by simply sitting for one hour with Jesus.
Join the Corpus Christi Prolife group this Saturday from 10:00 to 11:00 AM as we pray for life at the Bridgeville Planned Parenthood. We recite the rosary and other prayers in the parking lot between LaBella Bean and Burgh’s. Have you been wanting to make a difference in the fight for life? Come join us and become the voice for the unborn.
Corpus Christi Parish Coffee, Donuts and Fellowship! Join us after the 10:30 am Mass in St Mary Hall every week The hall is located in the basement of St. Mary Church
Join us for Soulcore a movement that strengthens body & soul by combining the prayers of the rosary with core-strengthening, stretching and functional movement. Questions? Contact Lauren Calabria at [email protected]
Adoration is the simple act of going to the Church and spending some time with Jesus. It is a beautiful, reverent, refreshing and humbling experience. There are many graces that can be obtained by simply sitting for one hour with Jesus.
join us every second & fourth Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm in the Holy Child conference room to help plan how we can best serve those in our community! Questions? Need assistance? Call our hotline at 412-564-319